Wholistic Therapy
Wholistic Therapy
Traversing Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit
Wholistic Therapy is an intuitive mix of conscious nourishment, Bach Flower Remedies, Chakra Balancing, high vibrational techniques, emotional expression, journaling, and conscious practices like yoga and meditation to awaken you to your true essence and a life of balance. It can relieve anxiety, help you overcome depression, addiction, and dis-ease, strengthen the empath, and help us move through spiritual emergence, and spiritual emergency.
It helps us to awaken our consciousness and open your hearts. We learn to create balance between your masculine and feminine energies, overcome judgement and fears, find the middle path, and cultivate positivity, gratitude, generosity, motivation and discipline. We practice grounding in our bodies, so we can get out of our mind and connect with our soul. We are guided to consciously slow down, so we can explore how we act and react in the face of challenge, and we can know ourselves better through observation, acceptance, unconditional love (especially for our shadow), and letting go.
Wholistic Therapy helps us to learn to live in the present, take responsibility for our reality, seek joy, and live in Oneness so we can be whole, in peace, contentment, and compassion, no matter what ups and downs of life we may encounter. We are accompanied in the exploration of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual anatomy and relationships, our self-care of diet and exercise, our chakra system and it’s balance in the five elements of nature, our past and present along with what we are creating for our future, as well as how to integrate all of it into our daily lives.
Contact me for a free initial consultation in person in Mataró, Maresme, and in East Hampton NY in the summers, or distance through zoom.