My Story

My Story

From as early as I can remember, I was a highly sensitive empath, practically born vegetarian for disliking most animal products.  I studied Dance at NYU Tisch School of the Arts, but then came down with Graves Disease, a hyperthyroid condition that forced me to change directions, and walk a path of self-discovery, eventually healing myself through nutrition, self introspection, yoga, and meditation.

I became a NY State Licensed Massage Therapist in 1995, eventually having a successful private practice in East Hampton, NY.  I studied yoga with Sharon Gannon, David Life, Dharma Mittra, and Rodney Yee, and received my teaching certification through Sivananda in India in 1998 after a month long trek to Everest Basecamp. I began a daily meditation practice, consisting of Zen, Kundalini, and Mindfulness meditation. I became certified in Applied Vegetarian Nutrition, and studied Sociology at CU Denver, and Death and Dying at University of Delaware. I co-founded some non-profit yoga centers, and developed projects for at-risk kids, death row inmates, the elderly, and cancer patients, as well as leading retreats and teacher trainings.

In 2007 I had my first spiritual emergency or awakening. It felt like direct experience with Oneness, with Source, with the Divine Creator. I went on to have 7 more awakenings, spanning an 8 year period, which transformed my life forever.  They were extremely intense, humbling, experiences, wonderful at times, yet also extremely difficult, but I was able to make it through to the other side, finding purpose and mission in acceptance, compassion, contentment, and unconditional love.

I now live in Mataró, a beautiful  beach town outside of Barcelona.  I still work summers in the Hamptons, but the majority of my time is spent in Spain, directing  and working at Yoga Maresme Wholistic Healing Center and Associació Akasha Yoga Mataró.  I am a wholistic therapist, combining yoga, meditation, prayer, journaling, intention, manifestation, conscious nourishment, healing, and bodywork to help people to awaken their consciousness, open their hearts, and guide them on their path to healing. My specialties are working with anxiety, depression, addiction, dis-ease, trauma, suicide, empaths and spiritual emergency. And I am very grateful to have worked with Donna Summer, Marc Anthony, Uma Thurman, Iman, Sofia Copala, Sally Hershberger, Jane Wenner, Pamela Hanson, Julian Schnabel, Sara Moonves and Juaquin Padró, in my private practice. 

Though my journey has been long, arduous, and painful, it has brought me to where I am today and I am forever grateful to all of the ancestors, teachers, and guides that came before me and for all of the gifts that I have received.

In service, gratitude, grace, love, and light!  Blessings,

Jordana Jyoti xo 🙂

Wholistic Therapist, Teacher of Meditation & Yoga, Empath, and Mental Health Activist.